(FERENC ISZA/AFP/Getty Images)
A Lesson from Hungary
The Economic Origins of Populist Support

In both Hungary and the United States, the primary factor driving a resurgence in populism is not racism: it’s the economy, stupid.

(Thomas Lohnes/Getty Images)
The Influence Game
Russian Propaganda In Germany: More Effective Than You Think

Moscow’s apparent inaction in the recent German elections hides a sophisticated effort to target the Russian diaspora.

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Realism vs. Reality
The Implications of Russia’s Mafia State

Modern Russia, the Obama Administration seems to think, is a fairly normal autocracy with which one can ultimately cooperate on occasion. But reality has never quite fit this “realist” reading of Russia.

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Petrostate Politics
“Witnesses of Higher Oil Prices”

Is there more than messianic delusion to the Kremlin’s confidence that oil prices will rebound soon? And could Vladimir Putin’s Syria adventure have something to do with it?

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Public Opinions
Domestic Costs Are Rising for Mr. Putin

Just how fragile is Vladimir Putin’s support? As far as war in Ukraine goes, it’s a lot more fragile than most outside observers think.

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