David Paul Morris/Getty Images
Party Politics
When “Top-Two” Means “Only One”

Could open primaries help elevate a new breed of political moderates? California’s experience suggests otherwise.

Donald Trump Is Not Benjamin Disraeli

Disraeli sought to bring Britain into the future; Trump seeks to restore a golden past.

America in the 21st Century
Where Are the Whigs (When We Need Them)?

A key political tradition that helped build this country and guide its great statesmen deserves a revival.

Blue For Who?
The Cost of a Minimum Wage Raise

Already LA’s minimum wage increase is threatening to suppress jobs and push companies out of the city. Some policies—even well-intentioned ones—tend not to work, and a high minimum wage is one of them.

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Missing Moderates
Rockefeller Republican Redemption?

Moderate Republicans have failed to thrive in part because over the past half-century they haven’t built a political and intellectual infrastructure to match the conservative wing of the party.

Yet Another Kick To Malthus
The Case of the Incredible Expanding Tomatoes

Scientists have discovered how to make super-fruit. Thomas Malthus is rolling over in his grave.

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