(Wikimedia Commons)
After The Wall
Three Reichs and You’re Out

German overreach, which once brought untold misery to Europe, has turned into underreach, which does not nourish stability in troubling times.

(Wikimedia Commons)
From Shame to War
Trump on a Rampage

History will judge Trump as harshly for his betrayal of the Kurds as it has the apostles of “peace in our time.”

Photo via (CC BY 2.0 licence)
Trading Places
The European Union Honors Competition More Than the “Land of the Free”

Why are cellphone plans and cable charges lower in Europe than in America? New research explains why EU trustbusters have outpaced their U.S. colleagues.

The Gump Doctrine
Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Donald Trump is right to push for a rebalanced relationship with both China and Europe. But what have tariffs and threats actually achieved?

© Getty Images
Have Bomb Will Travel
Why Iran Will Never Give Up on Nuclear Weapons

This week, Donald Trump repeated an American mantra: “Iran will never have a nuclear weapon.” But in due time it will, because it can, and because it has long seen the Bomb to be in its national interest. But is there an upside?

Politics Disrupted
Crashing the Parties

In Europe, the ancien régime of the moderate Right and Left is falling prey to the disruptors—mainly rightwing populists, but also non-threatening environmentalists like the surging German Greens who appeal to the center.

Marc Chagall, “The Praying Jew” (1923)
Anti-Semitism in America
Why It Won’t Happen Here

Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are not the harbingers of anti-Semitism, Made in U.S.A. The Jewish-American love affair is neither fleeting nor one-sided. It is rooted in the American creed—since 1654.

The Old Lady at 70
Start Planning NATO’s 100th Birthday

Alliances die when they win. So NATO should have gone the way of all flesh when the Soviet Union committed suicide in 1991. Yet it has not only endured, but also expanded. And based on enduring interest, the Alliance will survive Donald Trump, too.

(Mrs. James Ward Thorne, Art Institute of Chicago)
Two Concepts of Europe
Emmanuel Macron: The Man Who Would Be King of Europe

Emmanuel Macron and Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer represent two competing visions for Europe: one top-down and protectionist, the other diffuse and decentralized.

Against Chicken Little
Is It Really RIP for the LIO?

Lamenting the “collapse” or “end” of the Liberal International Order has grown into a cottage industry of pundits and professors. But is the LIO really dying?

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