The Writing on the Wall

What do the spray-painted New York subway cars of the 1980s have in common with the graffiti-covered walls of the Arab Spring?

For a Little Room Behind the Shop

How Montaigne found happiness: He helped himself.

The Gallic Orwell

Albert Camus and George Orwell had much in common, not least an early death and the elastic use of their literary legacies.

Endangered Epicures

Have the French lost their knack for culinary exceptionalism?

A German Complex

Old wounds weep as the Baader-Meinhof gang hits German theaters.

Through a Wine Glass, Darkly

How a vinous fraudster rocked the wine industry.

Back in the DDR

Von Donnersmarck’s The Lives of Others finally gets under the skin of Stasiland.

No Piece for the Wicked?

Should famously nasty people rate an obituary? It’s debatable.

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