Japanese Elections
Abe’s Gamble Pays Off

Japan’s voters endorsed more of the same in this weekend’s snap elections—but Abe’s enlarged mandate could spell big changes for the constitution.

East Asia
Taiwan’s New Multicultural Identity

Wei Te-Sheng’s films illuminate Asia’s under-appreciated success story.

Pete Marovich-Pool/Getty Images
The Obama Doctrine: Responses
Back to Normalcy

Obama’s America and Abe’s Japan: two countries trying to get “back to normalcy”—but from opposite directions.

America Self-Contained? A Symposium
Japan’s Existential Angst

Japan is worried by America’s “strategic ambiguity” and uncertain about its own future.

Drifting Right

Is Japan drifting to the right? The ongoing dispute between China and Japan over the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea (known in China as the Diaoyu Islands) has triggered a debate about the trajectory of Japanese politics, and the return to power of the old guard Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has further enlivened it. […]

Ultimate Confusion

“All the balls are in our court now,” quipped one Japanese pundit. Rightly so. Now that U.S. President Barak Obama has been reelected, he says, all the alliance issues, including the stalled plan to relocate a U.S. Marine Corps base in Okinawa and delayed participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade talks, must be taken off […]

An End to Dithering

Japan’s August 30 election, which swept the ruling Liberal Democratic Party out of power, changes everything—perhaps.

Black Ship Ghosts

What are the sources of the American image around the world? How has it changed in recent years? And what, if anything, can the U.S. government do to shape that image? The American Interest posed these questions to a distinguished group of international observers. Their answers reflect diverse histories and circumstances, and offer some useful […]

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