Jeff Swensen/Getty Images
2016 And Beyond
A Republic If You Can Keep It

Democratic illegitimacy in the United States and the rest of the world results more from political than economic discontent.

Lithuania Joins the Euro
Hopping on a Sinking Ship?

Lithuania’s decision to join the euro this year was probably worth the cost, but don’t take it as a sign that the common currency is regaining its allure.

The Islamic State
A Security Threat at Europe’s Doorstep

IS poses a terrorist threat unlike any Europe has faced before.

Shining a Light on the Shadow Economy

The world’s ‘informal economy’ doesn’t just exist in poor countries, and it isn’t small-in size or in its effect.

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See No Evil
The EU’s Deafening Silence on Hong Kong’s Democratic Deficit

In 1997, the EU pledged its support to the “one country, two systems” formula and to Beijing’s promise to bring democratic elections to Hong Kong. Yet the EU has remained silent since the confrontation between Beijing and the pro-democracy activists began to grow hot this summer.

LEON NEAL/AFP/Getty Images
Scot Free?
Will Scottish Independence Create a Bandwagon Effect?

Scotland’s referendum to break away from the UK might increase demands for independence across Europe.

Marco Di Lauro/Getty Images
Huddled Masses Yearning
Europe’s Immigration Crisis

The rising numbers of new arrivals are putting a serious strain on Europe’s migration outposts and heating up the immigration debate across the EU.

Getty Images
Democracy and the World Cup

The World Cup might be more than just a celebration of jogo bonito, “the beautiful game.”

Did the 2014 EU Elections Mean Anything?

European elections are usually forgettable events, but this year’s has laid bare several contradictions at the heart of the European project.

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