Twilight of the Intellectuals
Plumbing the Allure of Authoritarianism

Anne Applebaum’s new book grapples with why former friends abandoned liberalism as authoritarianism gained ground across the West.

(Wikimedia Commons)
In Hoffa's Shadow
The Real Irishman

Jack Goldsmith’s new book is a courageous, poignant, and personal portrait of Charles “Chuckie” O’Brien—the man long-rumored to have had a hand in disappearing Jimmy Hoffa.

R. Jay Magill, Jr. (2019)
The Memoir's Meaning
Blocking Bolton’s Book

Amid bad faith efforts to block Bolton’s memoir, the public interest is clear: It lies in protecting legitimate secrets—and revealing presidential malfeasance in a timely manner. Two landmark cases help us understand how courts wrestle with and resolve such matters.

Trump's America
The New, Rotten Normal

A new book convincingly argues that Trump has altered the institution of the presidency in irreversible ways.

Bundesarchiv, Bild, via Wikimedia Commons
Portrait of a Führer
The Demagogic Personality

In the midst of World War II, the U.S. government commissioned a psychological profile of Adolf Hitler. The results may have something to teach us about destructive charismatic personalities today.

(Wikimedia Commons)
Dying Light
A Root Cause of Illiberalism?

A new book by Ivan Krastev and Stephen Holmes offers a provocative—if not entirely persuasive—answer.

Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels
E Pluribus Unum
A Blinkered Case for Nationalism

In his new book, Rich Lowry makes a plausible case for an inclusive brand of American nationalism—but fails to see the malignancy of the version that is currently warping our politics.

(Wikimedia Commons)
Rooted Cosmopolitans
The Conservative Case for Globalism

Conservative intellectuals in the Trump era have taken to lambasting free trade and international institutions. Dalibor Rohac’s In Defense of Globalism could not, therefore, have come at a more opportune time.

(Wikipedia Commons)
Political Psychology
Of Killers and Conspiracies

How the paranoid fringe has gone mainstream.

(Georges Michel, Art Institute of Chicago)
No True Scotsman
The Neo-Nationalist Danger

If Trump lacks a framework for his policies, an organized movement of Trump-supporting neo-nationalist intellectuals is happy to supply one.

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