What Ukraine Means
The “Kind of Thing” Crisis

The Ukraine problem is more about the West than it is about Russia.

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America Self-Contained? A Symposium
The Reluctant Strongman

The Obama Administration’s foreign policy has been one long parade of errors.

My Toe in the Arena

“Your first time in a political campaign?” the Senator said. “You poor bastard.” He had his sympathy, however, firmly under control. And properly so, since professors of politics – Woodrow Wilson and Daniel Patrick Moynihan aside – rarely take the knocks associated with the subject they study. The Senator probably considered, and rightly, some bruises, […]

Plattsburgh, 1814

The Lightest of a Succession of CalamitiesOn September 10, 1814, John Quincy Adams, son of the second president of the United States and destined to become its fifth, the most accomplished American diplomat of his generation (and perhaps the most able in American history), conversant in half a dozen languages, was, as usual, dissatisfied with […]

Presidents and Their Generals: A Conversation with Eliot Cohen

When President Obama fired General Stanley McChrystal and sent General David Petraeus to Kabul in his stead, he wrote the latest chapter in a long narrative of civil-military tensions in America.

Thucydides, Really!

The Peloponnesian War is over, but the master of its lessons teaches on.

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