Activist Tess Asplund confronts neo-Nazis at a rally in Sweden. Screen Capture from YouTube.
Europe's Future
Sweden’s Immigration Conundrum

Intolerance by and against Muslim migrants has marred life in this once tranquil social democracy. But Sweden is still better placed than most countries in Europe to deal with these problems.

U.S. Navy photo courtesy Lockheed Martin via Getty Images
Mending Defense
Pentagon Reform: Hope Springs Eternal

Yet today, the prospects for success are better than ever.

Sequestered: The Strategic Implications of a Freefalling U.S. Defense Budget

Sequestration unfairly gouges the Defense budget, and unless it’s offset by an improbable Herculean reform effort in the Defense Department, it will probably wreak havoc in international security. ???

The Dynamic Duo Take on the Haredim

The new Netanyahu government reflects the confluence of two revolutions, one religious the other social, that is embodied by the unexpected rise to power of two political novices, Yair Lapid and Nafali Bennet. Both campaigned on a program that called for relief of a middle class suffering from a lack of affordable housing, stagnant wages, […]

The Geopolitics of Scripture

If American power recedes from the Middle East in the advancing post-Cold War era, Israel's strategic circumstances, not least its concern about a nuclearizing Iran, could start to look a lot like they did in Isaiah's time.

What’s in a Name?

It’s time to end the “war” on terror.

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