(Lior Mizrahi/Getty Images)
Oslo at 25
Ending the Impasse the Trumpian Way

The Trump Administration’s approach to Israeli-Palestinian peace has mostly been about breaking things. A more coherent, strategic, and balanced approach could yet put the process back together.

Chris McGrath/Getty Images
Yehiye Tov
“Flaming Kites,” Hezbollah, and Iranian Nukes

Bucking perceptions abroad of a country in crisis, life is good in Israel, even if existential threats loom just beyond the horizon.

Kobi Gideon/GPO via Getty Images
The Middle East
How to Improve the Iran Nuclear Deal

The JCPOA remains the best among several bad options for making sure Iran never crosses the nuclear threshold.

Win McNamee/Getty Images
Trump and the Promised Land

Paradoxically, Trump may prove to be the President who is willing to exert unprecedented pressure on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Israel's Elections
A “Big Bang” in Israeli Politics?

For a change, Israel’s upcoming elections will be largely about domestic issues, but they will have historic ramifications nonetheless.

The Middle East
A Generational Challenge

President Obama’s plan for dealing with ISIS is a step in the right direction, albeit one that doesn’t go far enough. That’s because ISIS is the symptom and immediate threat, not the primary problem: The Middle East is a fundamentally ill region, one that has repeatedly exported its problems to the United States and the […]

A Bad Deal on Iran?

The details of the proposal made by the US and other leading powers negotiating with Iran (the P5+1) at the recent Geneva talks are still unclear, but were designed to freeze the nuclear program so that Iran would not be able to continue development during the negotiations for a final agreement, expected to take six […]

How to Make the “Red Line” Mean Something

More than 70,000 Syrians have been killed by their own government, and there is now overwhelming evidence that the regime has used chemical weapons. The “international community”, in a display that is cynical even by its own usual jaded standards, has remained impassive and impotent. Even the Obama Administration, which declared Syria’s use of chemical […]

Proceed With Caution

One of the primary foreign policy dilemmas facing the second Obama Administration is whether to make a concerted push for Israeli-Palestinian peace, possibly including presentation of a U.S. peace plan, the ultimate form of American involvement, or conversely, to maintain the standoff approach that followed the failed attempts of its first year in office. President […]

Toolbox: The Right Return

A proposal to begin resettling Palestinian refugees now.

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