(Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images)
Unrest in North Africa
Algeria’s False Spring?

Bouteflika’s resignation in Algeria is more the result of internal factional strife than people power. To understand why—and to see what may come next—it helps to look at some history.

(Alexandros Michailidis / Shutterstock.com)
Brexit Watch
The French Connection in Europe’s Elections

Macron’s recent address to the “citizens of Europe” captures the high stakes of this European election season—when first-order questions about Brexit and the EU project loom over all.

Thai temple wall detail (CC0 Public Domain)
Democracy and Autocracy
The King, the Junta, and the Juggernaut: Thailand and Counter-Democratization

Thailand’s upcoming elections are the latest clash in a complex power game between rival elites—and a reminder that the trappings of democracy are not always what they seem.

(Chris McGrath/Getty Images)
Protests in Paris
The Rage of the Yellow Jackets

Some of the root causes of the unrest in Paris are specifically French. But many of them are all too familiar to mature economies worldwide.

Reforming France
Macron’s Thatcher Moment?

The French President is facing down the perfect storm of labor protests against his reforms. Will he be as ironclad as Maggie?

EU and What Army?
Euromacht: Brussels über Alles?

Visions of a pan-EU army beguile European leaders in the age of Trump and Brexit. Whether they can manage to create it is another matter.

Syrian Civil War
Aleppo’s Crows

The fall of the Syrian city to Assad’s forces marks a grim ending to Pax Americana in the Middle East.

Spencer Platt/Newsmakers
Green Dreams
The Rise of Moral Environmentalism

Humanity is once again living in a millenarian moment.

Immigration, Civic Culture and Liberal Order

A French-born observer examines two new books on immigration and the challenges of American civic nationalism.

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