On Europe & Security
Buyer’s Remorse on NATO Enlargement

The real problems in NATO aren’t about European military capability deficits, but politics. Europe is once again fragmenting along cultural and historical divides.

A New Reality
Time for Some Straight Talk on NATO

With a real crisis brewing on Europe’s northeastern flank, leading “from behind” or leading from the “Mitte” just won’t do.

After Ukraine
What Comes Next?

Without military aid, Ukraine is lost. It may even be lost with aid. But it still matters for NATO and European security how Ukraine is lost.

War in Europe AD 2015
Why Ukraine Is Our Business

Arguments to abandon Ukraine to its fate just don’t stack up.

Stuck in the Middle Again
Central Europe: A Vanishing Idea

Looking back on 2014, we can see that the first victim of Russia’s war in Ukraine was not a state, but an idea.

Wikimedia Commons
U.S.-Polish Arms Deal
America Will Help Europe—If It Helps Itself

Poland’s purchase of an advanced American standoff missile has the potential to shake up the strategic calculus in the east.

An unmarked military convoy in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk. ERIC FEFERBERG/AFP/Getty Images
The West and Russia
Bottoming Out in Europe

Europe is mired in deep denial about the historical currents driving Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

AFP/Getty Images
The Ukrainian War
Putin Targets the Scandinavians

Russia naval and airspace incursions in the Baltic Sea area are aimed at deterring Sweden and Finland from increasing their cooperation with NATO.

Sean Gallup/Getty Images
Strategy & Policy
Europe’s Moment of Blinding Strategic Clarity

European leaders are finally beginning to admit to themselves that Putin’s goal is to decompose NATO and alter Europe’s normative framework. But will they do anything about it?

Europe's Twilight Zone
A New Russia Deal or Another Delusion?

Once more the old adage that the fat and self-contented cannot outrun the lean and hungry is playing itself out.

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