Church and State
Behind the Burkini

The overturned ban is not a religious issue, but the symbol of a broader political struggle.

Moving On
They Brexit, You Own It

The voters have spoken, and the their verdict is clear: Britain will now have to leave the European Union. How the rest of the EU moves on is the next critical question. Can European leaders salvage the European project?

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The French Connection
Misconnecting the Dots

The threat of homegrown Islamic terrorism, particularly in francophone Europe, is very real. Hasty generalizations about its causes, however, help no one.

Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images
Rise of the Right
Final Warning

The French establishment has blocked Front National in the regional elections—but it was largely responsible for the FN’s rise in the first place.

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Houellebecq's Submission
The Unbearable Lightness of Freedom

Michel Houellebecq’s latest novel, flawed as it is, gets at the heart of some of the issues contorting the West—and liberalism writ large—at the turn of the 21st century.

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Transatlantic Ties
A Critical Moment in the Syria Crisis

The U.S. must not let Russia and Iran become Europe’s solution to Syria.

An Unlikely Socialist
Can Valls Lead France?

France’s Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, may be just the person to shake the Socialist Party out of its torpor and return it to fighting trim. Does he have a shot at the presidency in 2017?

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After Charlie Hebdo
The Fall and the Rise of France

Before the Charlie Hebdo attack, France was a country racked by self-doubt and in self-evident decline. Will it capture a new sense of purpose in its aftermath?

Carl Bildt, Radosław Sikorski, Miroslav Lajcák, Frans Timmermans
Replacing Ashton
The Next Test for Europe’s Foreign Policy

Who will replace Catherine Ashton as Europe’s foreign policy chief? Europe’s heads of state have an opportunity to back a strong figure, someone to personify and give strategic coherence to the EU’s foreign policy instruments.

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