The Centrality of Social Policy

What is it that leaders like Iran’s Ahmedinejad, Hezbollah’s Nasrullah, and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez have in common that vastly increases their local appeal? Anti-Americanism and an aggressive foreign policy are of course components. But what has really allowed them to win elections and cement their support is their ability to promise, and to a certain […]

The Clash of Cultures and American Hegemony

In a web-only exclusive, the author of The End of History and the Last Man looks at the potential crisis of legitimacy the United States finds itself in today. Originally delivered as a presentation to the American Political Science Association annual meeting on September 1, 2006.

The Paradox of International Action

International action today can be legitimate or effective, but rarely both. The solution is to create "multi-multilateralism."

It Doesn't Stay in Vegas

Bernard-Henri Levy, a French intellectual following in Tocqueville’s footsteps, discusses America with Francis Fukuyama.

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